Unapologetically Grandma

My journey to learning to embrace growing older & all the changes that come with it.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Dreaming of #OffGrid Life? Looking for a way to get there? #ReadMe


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I've been taking a break from doing much content as I was super sick for a few weeks and that tossed me into a world of thinking. 

And that world of thinking brings me to this post.

I know, that some, want to change their diet, eat cleaner, grow their own veggies, and be more dependent on the land rather than the in-city stressors. 

Is it easy? No.

Is it enjoyable? Yes

I can say there is nothing better than to watch yourself start with nothing and build how.

But nothing can be scary.

Nothing can be especially scary if you are a female all alone. It can be especially scary if none of your family supports it and won't go with you.

What I'd like to do is create a slow-growing community of like-minded people. It doesn't mean that everyone is bestie and that there's some unspoken rule that everyone needs to hang out together every night. What it does mean is you can test your desire to be off-grid. See if it works for you before investing in land and other expensive items.

You would need your own RV or to bring in your own tiny home. Keep in mind, this is real off-grid. Nothing is set up for you. You would need to work on your own water supply, electricity, options for cooking, etc. You are welcome to build as you wish on your area of the property. You would be renting a space and, yes, there would be a super simple lease (just so my land isn't completely destroyed and so that others that may be your neighbors can live in a peaceful environment).

As the spaces grow and are rented, each person can build up their areas as they'd like - hopefully, at some point, there would be a barter day between neighbors.

This will be in Apache County. It will be back on dirt roads (a Prius is NOT going to get you there). There is wildlife: coyotes, wolves, bears, mountain lions, and sometimes packs of dogs that owners have not cared for and are either allowed to run off or directly driven to a remote area to dump off.

Keep in mind that this is like anything else, if you don't pay your small monthly rental amount, you will have to leave. And just like any other rental, if your items are left behind, you would have so long to come get them or they will be cleared out so the next person can have the area you elected to no longer be interested in. You do need a steady source of income.

This makes it safer for those of us who may be alone or have children. People are braver and stronger in numbers. Try living your dream and see how you feel.

SPACE IS LIMITED! Email me to discuss your potential space. Looking to have the first spaces available Q1 of 2025. You will not be packed in like an RV park. :)  Email for details: RusticRoots2024@gmail.com

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